As some of you know, last Saturday I got to host a fashion show sponsored by Macy’s. Yes, host. As in hang with the stylist and models beforehand, then clip on a microphone, get up on a stage, and say words and stuff. In front of other people. There were even radio ads (I know because I heard one and nearly pooped myself), and they said my name as if I were some kind of celebrity blogger that could draw a crowd.
Hosting this show was a good excuse to (1) wear this outfit and (2) get out of my comfort zone. Let’s discuss…
(1) “Real life” style is kinda my thang. It’s always been my MO with this blog to share only exact outfits that I have actually worn. This is not one of those “aspirational” blogs. So as much as I want to post pictures of myself looking super trendy and fashion-forward, I would be letting down my little blog because I just don’t have many occasions to wear stuff like that. BUT! If there was ever an event where it was appropriate for me to wear a romper with a blazer and heels, this was it. So you better believe I took advantage of it…and took pictures to prove it happened.
(2) You know the best thing about blogging? It counts as being social but you don’t actually have to get off your ass and talk to people. You guys are always telling me I’m funny, but I’m a lot better at being funny when I can do it on my own time from behind my computer. I’ve always hated public speaking. It scares the bejeezus out of me. But sometimes you have to do things that scare you to make you a stronger person. And by “sometimes” I mean once a year, tops. Let’s not get carried away. I’m proud to say that I’ve faced my fears for the year, and I think I even did an OK job! It helped that I got to talk about clothes, but still. All in all, I’m glad Macy’s gave me a shot and I’m glad I took it.
Finally, I would like to point out that I didn’t buy anything new to wear for the show, and I even stuck to my remix challenge and wore my suede Mary Janes. Boom.
similar Romper (more below) // Blazer // Shoes // similar Necklace // similar Sunglasses // Bag // Lips “Plushest Punch”
All the black & white rompers you could ever want…