I’ve made my decision. Decision made. I’m doing the Take One, Pass it On Challenge again for the month of November! Please hold your applause till the end.
You might remember I came up with the idea for the Take One remix challenge back in February (#HumbleBrag). It was a ton of fun and a huge success. You can see the February roundup here.
Here’s How the Challenge Works:
- Start out by wearing any outfit you want to wear.
- The next day, take one thing from the previous day’s outfit and wear it again in a new way.
- The next day, take one thing (besides the already repeated item) from the day before, and…you get the idea.
- Do this for as long as you want!
Why Would Any Sane Person Want to Do This?
- Unlike other popular remix challenges, it doesn’t require a bunch of planning ahead of time.
- It makes getting dressed easier because you always have somewhere to start.
- It challenges you to get creative with your wardrobe.
- It curbs shopping habits (not that any of us have that problem) because you’re focused on getting new uses out of what you already have.
- And most importantly, if you’re a blogger and you post about your experience with the Take One, Pass it On challenge, I’ll post your link in a roundup each week you do it!
I hope you’ll all consider trying out the challenge with me, whether it’s for a week or the whole rest of the year! It might sound intimidating, but the feedback from those who did it last time was overwhelmingly positive. If you blog about it, just be sure to mention “Sarah’s Real Life” and include a link. Then be sure to let me know you’re doing the challenge so I can include you in the roundup (see the Contact/Collaborate tab on the main menu above for my email).
(You may now applaud.)