Me Myself & I

white shirtdress, red shoes and red lips

When: Aug. 1 // Weather: 80s // Real life: work

white shirtdress, red shoes and red lips

white shirtdress, red shoes and red lips

white shirtdress, red shoes and red lips

white shirtdress, red shoes and red lips

^^This is when I tried to casually cross one leg over the other and then I sort of fell and tried to cover it like it’s what I meant to do all along.

white shirtdress, red shoes and red lips

^^Boom. Nailed it.

One of my blogger friends (well, in my head we’re friends…I’ve never met her) posted recently about how we should make personal style about experimenting and having fun, and not just about sticking to a particular aesthetic. Amen, sister, and thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I think at my age I should have a particular look that I stick to, and I feel discouraged when I can’t figure out exactly what that look is. Am I stripes girl? Bright colors girl? Slightly edgy but also girly girl? Should I not call myself “girl” when I’m over 30? I have many unanswered questions.

Lately I’ve been feeling very me in neutral clothes with statement shoes/accessories, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing I can wear. At least I hope it isn’t, because I’ve got a closet full of crazy colors and prints that have plenty of life left in them. So for today, this is my personal style. Tomorrow? Who knows…follow my blog so you can find out. 😉

similar Dress (other options below) // similar Shoes // similar Sunglasses // similar Bag


retro cat eye white sunglasses, j.crew french girl collarless blazer

When: Friday, Aug. 2 // Weather: perfectly summery // Real life: work, then dinner on a Mass Ave rooftop patio

retro cat eye white sunglasses, j.crew french girl collarless blazer

retro cat eye white sunglasses, j.crew french girl collarless blazer

retro cat eye white sunglasses, j.crew french girl collarless blazer

I bought these sunglasses for like 15 bucks at a Fisherman’s Wharf shop in San Francisco. It just seemed like a fun, goofy, touristy thing to do. (Too bad it was cloudy almost the entire week we were in California.) Now I realize I actually kind of love them. The problem is that they feel like $15 sunglasses. They legit squeak when I fold and open them, and I’m fairly sure they would break if my cat sat on them.

So I went on the hunt for a good quality pair of white, not-so-subtle retro sunglasses. At first I was going to go with these, but then I started leaning toward these. I asked Kristin and she voted for option 1, so now they’re on their way to me! Just don’t tell me to order the second pair too, because I will take that advice!

Blazer (on sale) // Jeans // Necklace // similar Bag // similar Shoes // similar Sunglasses