Classy Broad

striped shirtdress, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag, Balenciaga cateye sunglasses

When: Sept. 16 // Weather: 80s // Real life: work

striped shirtdress, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag, Balenciaga cateye sunglasses

striped shirtdress, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag, Balenciaga cateye sunglasses

striped shirtdress, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag, Balenciaga cateye sunglasses

striped shirtdress, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag, Balenciaga cateye sunglasses

striped shirtdress, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag, Balenciaga cateye sunglasses

That’s exactly what this dress makes me feel like: a classy broad. And powerful. A classy, powerful broad. Someone get me a crumpet and a tea cup (filled with coffee). I’m ready to fix Brexit.

Dress (on sale) // similar Shoes // Sunglasses // similar Bag


Power Suit

floral jumpsuit, cropped trench, early fall outfit

When: late August // Weather: warm & sunny // Real life: work

floral jumpsuit, cropped trench, early fall outfit

floral jumpsuit, cropped trench, early fall outfit

floral jumpsuit, cropped trench, early fall outfit

floral jumpsuit, cropped trench, early fall outfit

When jumpsuits started popping up a couple years ago, I thought it wouldn’t last. Everyone will get tired of the associated bathroom challenges and decide it’s not worth it, right? As a dancer, I spent half my childhood in tights and leotards so I’m quite familiar with the concept of getting nearly naked just to pee, but I figured the general female public would call B.S. on this inconvenient trend.

But clearly I was wrong. I guess we decided that with all the crap we endure as women, we can put up with a jumpsuit no problem. In fact, maybe jumpsuits are a feminist statement. A jumpsuit says “I’m feminine but I also wear the pants…literally.” A jumpsuit says “I’m not afraid of a challenge, gentlemen. Come at me.”

similar Jacket (same in khaki) // similar Jumpsuit // Shoes // Sunglasses // similar Bag