
Everlane cashmere, midi skirt with tall boots, retro sunglasses, Le specs adam

When: mid-October // Weather: 50s // Real life: work

Everlane cashmere, midi skirt with tall boots, retro sunglasses, Le specs adam

Everlane cashmere, midi skirt with tall boots, retro sunglasses, Le specs adam

Everlane cashmere, midi skirt with tall boots, retro sunglasses, Le specs adam

Everlane cashmere, midi skirt with tall boots, retro sunglasses, Le specs adam

Everlane cashmere, midi skirt with tall boots, retro sunglasses, Le specs adam

Everlane cashmere, midi skirt with tall boots, retro sunglasses, Le specs adam

Long skirts with boots are my new jam. It’s genius really – your legs are totally hidden so you can have all the layers you want underneath (or none).

My other new jam, as you know, is being a more conscious consumer. So let me tell you what’s sustainable, eco-friendly, etc., about this outfit: The sweater is from Everlane, one of my favorite affordable sustainable brands. The sunglasses I bought second-hand on Poshmark. The boots I’ve had for several years and as long as I treat them well, they should last many more. The skirt is new and fast-fashion, BUT it is wearable year-round and it should hold up well over time. See, I’m doing the things, and it’s not that hard! YAY. Go me. *pats self on back*

Sweater // Skirt // Sunglasses // similar Boots // similar Bag

Black & Brown

black and brown, cropped pants with ankle boots

When: Oct. 17 // Weather: crisp // Real life: work

black and brown, cropped pants with ankle boots

black and brown, cropped pants with ankle boots

black and brown, cropped pants with ankle boots

black and brown, cropped pants with ankle boots

black and brown, cropped pants with ankle boots

black and brown, cropped pants with ankle boots

I always find it interesting/amusing how older women are so in to colors and matching. Don’t ask me to define “older”…the color obsession is definitely a generational thing, and I’m not sure what the cutoff is, I’m just sure that it’s at least 10 years older than I am. So I’m going to stick with “older” but just know that I’m saying it in an entirely non-judgey way, k?

Based entirely on my own anecdotal evidence, I’ve gathered that older generations were taught that the way to look nice and put together was to match and to wear colors that complemented your skin/hair/eyes. And you know what – if matching makes you feel like a million coordinated bucks, do not stop on my account. But please don’t be offended if I continue to preach the gospel of breaking rules and mixing it up in the name of finding a more unique and modern personal style.

So now the question is: How many more years before matching is back in style and I’m the weird older woman wearing black and brown together?

Pants (sustainable brand!) // similar Sweater // similar Belt // Bag (cheaper option) // Sunglasses // similar Jacket
