6 Weeks of No Shopping

neutral outfit, white and cream, sustainable fashion brands

When: Feb. 1, 2021 // Weather: cold…obviously // Real life: working from home

neutral outfit, white and cream, sustainable fashion brands
neutral outfit, white and cream, sustainable fashion brands
neutral outfit, white and cream, sustainable fashion brands

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that in mid-January I very suddenly put myself on a cold-turkey no clothes/shoes/accessories shopping ban until at least March 1. My last purchase was on January 14, which means I’ve made it SIX WHOLE WEEKS with a just a couple days to go.

I don’t think I’ve ever gone this long without shopping in my entire adult life, and you know what…it hasn’t been that difficult. It doesn’t hurt that it’s sort of the “off season” where I’ve already bought plenty of sweaters and it’s too early to think about spring clothes. BUT STILL. I’m very proud of myself.

If you’re wondering about my motivation to torture myself like this, it wasn’t about saving money (although that’s been a nice bonus) or about cleaning out my closet. It was about really testing my own commitment to sustainability. I hope you’ve noticed the new direction my wardrobe (and by extension, my blog) has taken in the last year or so — I’ve cut out “fast fashion” almost completely, a significant portion of my clothing purchases are secondhand, and when I purchase new, I try to buy from responsible businesses.

The problem is, when I feel like I’m doing a good deed when shopping, it’s a slippery slope down to shopaholic valley. And as much as I hate to admit it, overconsumption — even of secondhand and eco-friendly clothes — is still contributing to the problem. So, I decided to spend 6+ weeks doing the most sustainable thing you can do: using what you already have.

Was it that bad? NO! Am I looking forward to shopping again on March 1? Mmmmm… yes 🙂

I know I normally give you links to what I’m wearing, but in the spirit of the rest of this post, I’m going to encourage you to shop your own closet!


When: January 21, 2021 // Weather: 40s // Real life: working from home

This was the day after inauguration day [insert sigh of relief] and clearly I was inspired by VP Harris, Michelle Obama, and other fabulous women to bust out some jewel tones.

I was living for all the fashion on display from the Biden and Harris women on January 20. Some people might think it’s frivolous to talk about clothes when there were important historical things happening. But what if the clothes were part of the historical thing?

I can’t even count how many times I’ve read or been told that to be “taken seriously” I should dress conservatively and professionally (whatever that means), look nice but not too nice, wear makeup but not too much makeup, make sure my clothes fit well but aren’t too tight or revealing…I could go on. Over the years I’ve found a pretty good balance between following the rules and wearing wtf I want, but I know plenty of women who stick to drab workwear just because it’s easier.

So to see all these women at a hugely important political event proudly rocking purple and pink and bejeweled plaid and statement belts made me SO HAPPY. What a great day in (fashion) history.

Shirt (look for Equipment blouses secondhand) // Shoes (sustainable brand) // Sunglasses (secondhand) // Earrings (sustainable brand)