
velvet blazer, floral dress, ankle boots outfit

When: Thursday // Weather: 40s // Real life: work

velvet blazer, floral dress, ankle boots outfit

velvet blazer, floral dress, ankle boots outfit

velvet blazer, floral dress, ankle boots outfit

velvet blazer, floral dress, ankle boots outfit

velvet blazer, floral dress, ankle boots outfit

I’ve had my firm headshots taken 3 times in the 3 years I’ve been a lawyer. They’ve all been fine…you know, I dress more conservatively than usual, make sure my hair is neat, I go to a makeshift studio with fancy lighting, and the photographer has me rotate my torso one way while turning my head the other way, chin down, down a little more, tilt my head 3.8 degrees, flash flash, done.

But if I had my way, my professional headshot would look more like these photos. Wearing floral, looking a little bit sassy, out on the circle, coffee in hand. I mean, don’t these make you want to hire me to register your trademark and then take you shopping?! New career goal: start my own IP firm that also offers personal styling services. Oh, and it will be above a bar, Ally McBeal-style.

Jacket (on sale) // similar Dress // similar Boots // similar Bag


velvet shoes, camel coat, jeans day outfit

When: a Friday in February // Weather: 40s and sunny // Real life: work

velvet shoes, camel coat, jeans day outfit

velvet shoes, camel coat, jeans day outfit

velvet shoes, camel coat, jeans day outfit

velvet shoes, camel coat, jeans day outfit

velvet shoes, camel coat, jeans day outfit

90s girls rejoice: hoop earrings are making a comeback. And mayyyybe you can even wear them to a Spice Girls concert. (I’m trying not to get too excited about a reunion because the reports keep going back and forth, and if I’ve learned anything from Trump: #1 you can’t trust the media, and #2 tweeting after bedtime is usually a bad idea.)

I can’t quite bring myself to return to the giant silver hoops I used to wear, but these non-hoop-shaped hoops are a great way to bring the trend into the 21st century, if that is in fact the century we live in. Hard to be sure sometimes. You know, because of the Spice Girls thing.

Shoes // similar Earrings // similar Coat // similar Sweater // Bag // similar Sunglasses



