Bird is the Word

midi dress, stripe kimono, YSL studded college bag

When: last Tuesday // Weather: hot and sunny // Real life: work

Are you ready for possibly the freakiest photo that has ever graced the pages of this blog? I don’t think you’re ready (for this jelly).

OK, ready now?


It looks like it is .0049 seconds away from dive bombing my face. But it didn’t. In fact, I had no idea there was a bird anywhere near me until I saw this photo. I guess it flew right behind me? Or maybe it’s a ghost bird that is only visible on film. I mean, why isn’t it blurry? Like I said, freaky.

midi dress, stripe kimono, YSL studded college bag

midi dress, stripe kimono, YSL studded college bag

midi dress, stripe kimono, YSL studded college bag

I can’t even think of anything else to say. That bird though.

similar Dress // similar Kimono // Bag // similar Shoes // Sunglasses



Stop and Smell the

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

When: Sept. 18 // Weather: warm // Real life: work, then dinner with my peeps

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

Hi. Are you angry? Probably, because everyone is angry. You might be angry because you think Kavanaugh assaulted someone and still got appointed to the Supreme Court; you might be angry because you think his reputation was damaged based on one old story; you might be angry because you think Dr. Ford took a huge risk and it was all in vain; you might be angry because you think this was all a scheme by the Democrats; you might be angry because you think the Republicans don’t care; you might be angry because you think white male privilege is still too prevalent; you might be angry because you feel like there is no justice.

I have no good answer for you. I can only tell you what helps me, and that is to remember that it could be worse, and it has been worse. Just because progress is slow doesn’t mean it’s not happening. So when I’m pissed off about the state of the world, I try to acknowledge at least one positive thing. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses, even when the roses are surrounded by shit.

similar Dress // Shoes // Earrings // similar Sunglasses // similar Bag
