Short Skirt, Long Jacket

When: April 3 // Weather: cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon // Real life: work

floral dress, over the knee boots, long blazer, spring transition outfit

floral dress, over the knee boots, long blazer, spring transition outfit

floral dress, over the knee boots, long blazer, spring transition outfit

floral dress, over the knee boots, long blazer, spring transition outfit

This is one of my favorite springtime tricks when the temps climb above 60 weather in the afternoon, but it’s still cold in the mornings: I go sans tights, but wear tall boots to keep my legs warm. The combo also happens to make my legs look really long, which I’m not mad about.

You might recognize this dress from my recent trip to Napa. I’m all for garments that are equally appropriate for drinking wine as for billing hours, as those are my two main activities.

Dress (on sale) // Boots (on sale) // Sunglasses // similar Jacket // similar Earrings (on sale) // similar Bag


Starts with an “S”

brown stripe shirt, brown faux leather jacket, leopard haircalf crossbody

When: waaaay back in February // Weather: 50s // Real life: work

brown stripe shirt, brown faux leather jacket, leopard haircalf crossbody

brown stripe shirt, brown faux leather jacket, leopard haircalf crossbody

brown stripe shirt, brown faux leather jacket, leopard haircalf crossbody

brown stripe shirt, brown faux leather jacket, leopard haircalf crossbody

The day I wore this outfit, my boss told me I looked sassy! Or maybe she said snazzy. Or maybe it was “so-so.” At this point, it’s been a few weeks and I just remember it started with an “s” and was appropriate for the workplace (we just had our required anti-harassment training). But I’m hoping it was “sassy” because that’s the looks I’m pretty much always going for.

Tee (on sale) // similar Jacket (on sale) // similar Boots // similar Bag // similar Sunglasses // similar Earrings