Happy Trees

striped turtleneck, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

When: Nov.18 // Weather: 40s // Real life: drinks, games, and dinner with friends

striped turtleneck, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

striped turtleneck, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

striped turtleneck, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

striped turtleneck, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

striped turtleneck, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

A couple weekends ago I was at Books & Brews with my lovely spouse and another friend when a magical occurrence…um…occurred. We found ourselves in the presence of a Bob Ross board game. Yes, it’s a real thing. And it’s called – wait for it – The Art of Chill.

Did we play it? You bet your happy trees we did. But here’s the thing: It was the. most. complicated. game. of. all. time. I started reading the instructions aloud but my throat got dry because it was more words than I’ve ever said at one time, so I had to pass it off to someone else. We did eventually get the hang of it, but we could only bring ourselves to finish one round. Turns out we don’t have the patience to chill as hard as the B-Ross.


tunic sweater, faux leather moto jacket, distressed skinny jeans, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

When: Nov. 17 // Weather: chilly and cloudy // Real life: drinks with friends

tunic sweater, faux leather moto jacket, distressed skinny jeans, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

tunic sweater, faux leather moto jacket, distressed skinny jeans, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

tunic sweater, faux leather moto jacket, distressed skinny jeans, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

tunic sweater, faux leather moto jacket, distressed skinny jeans, suede ankle boots, YSL college bag

There are so many things that are different about life in your early 30s versus life in your early 20s. For example, in your early 20s when a friend comes to town, you go out for drinks at 8pm, then go out and stumble home after midnight. But in your early 30s, you go out for drinks at 4:30pm, then go home and watch a movie and go to bed at 10:30. In your early 20s, you put Bailey’s in your coffee, and in your early 30s, you put collagen in your coffee.

And that’s even without kids. I can’t even imagine the life changes for you crazy procreators.

similar Sweater // similar Jacket // similar Boots // similar Sunglasses // Bag