Announcing the Top 10 Remix Challenge!

style blogger challenge, finding your style, #top10remix

Hello, friends and people who like to wear clothes (most of my true friends prefer nudity). If you’re a long-time regular, you might remember my last amazingly genius remix challenge, Take One Pass It On. It’s been more than a year since I last did TOPIO, and I’ve had countless inquiries about when I’m doing another challenge (countless only because I didn’t count them, not because there have been that many). Well, the day is here. Or rather, the month is here. In April, I’m going to try my latest brainchild, and I hope you’ll join me.

First of all, this is not a capsule wardrobe challenge  (you know, where you pick X number of things and wear ONLY those things for 30 days). I will never do one of those because my clothes have feelings and I don’t want 90% of my wardrobe to be depressed and unloved for a month.

So what is the Top 10 Remix Challenge?

Glad you asked. All you have to do is pick ten things from your closet that you think are the epitome of your style, and then work at least one of those ten things into each outfit you wear for the month.

How to Pick Your Top 10

The point is not just to pick the things you wear most often. Then it wouldn’t be much of a challenge, would it? So even though your perfectly worn in boyfriend jeans or your grandmother’s necklace might be your standbys, they’re not necessarily the best options for your Top 10. You can still wear them in April of course, because (once again) this is not a capsule wardrobe challenge.

Instead, go through your closet and try to remember the things that made you say, “oh that is so me.” Not the stuff you bought on a whim just because you had a coupon or because you had to find shoes to match your bridesmaid dress, but the things that practically jumped off the shelf (or off the webpage) and screamed your name. The things that would make you cry if you spilled red wine on them. You see where I’m going with this?

You can include tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes, jewelry, bags…whatever you want. Old stuff, new stuff, red stuff, blue stuff. Whoops, went a little Dr. Seuss on ya there. But on that note, you can include a Dr. Seuss hat if that’s your thing. Just remember that you’ll probably be wearing it 2 or 3 times in the next 4 weeks.

What the Hell is the Point?

Point #1: I’ve struggled with figuring out what “my style” is, as I can go from preppy to girly to hipster to glam all in the matter of a week. I’m just not someone who has a “uniform,” nor do I think I want one. But I’m hoping the Top 10 Remix will help me (and you, if you join in) feel like there’s something very Sarah (or whatever your name is) in each look while still letting me (you) experiment with different styles.

Point #2: One of the greatest struggles in life: deciding what to wear (#firstworldproblems). During this challenge, in a pinch you can just start with something from your Top 10 and then build from there.

Point #3: Being part of a super awesome community of fellow style challenge lovers, of course! I can’t wait to see what you all think of the Top 10 Remix. And I think it will be fun to see what everyone else chooses for for their Top 10.

How to Join In

Fellow bloggers, you know the drill. Wear stuff, take pictures, put them on the Internet. Tell your readers about the Top 10 Remix challenge and pretty please include a link back to this post. At least once a week I will host a link-up where you can add your blog URL and we can all soak up each other’s awesomeness.

Anyone and everyone who uses social media, share your outfit selfies with the hashtag #Top10Remix. And be sure to tell us what item from your outfit is in your top 10!

And Because I Know You’re Wondering…

style blogger challenge, finding your style, #top10remix