Take One, Pass it On: Week 1 Roundup

blogger challenge, wardrobe remix, 30x30, take one pass it on, topio

Here we are, folks. One week down and it’s time to take a look at all my Take One, Pass it On outfits side by side. Check out everything I remixed this past week:

blogger challenge, wardrobe remix, 30x30, take one pass it on, topio blogger challenge, wardrobe remix, 30x30, take one pass it on, topio blogger challenge, wardrobe remix, 30x30, take one pass it on, topio blogger challenge, wardrobe remix, 30x30, take one pass it on, topio blogger challenge, wardrobe remix, 30x30, take one pass it on, topio

The challenge is catching on even faster than it did back in February! Thanks to all the bloggers who have tried the challenge already. Take a moment to check out their remixing skillz. Remember, I’ll be doing these posts all month, so once you’ve posted at least 2 outfits (so you’ve actually “passed it on”), I’ll share your link!

Legging Lessons

boyfriend sweater, phillip lim target floral shirt, h&m fringe booties, ankle boots with leggings boyfriend sweater, phillip lim target floral shirt, h&m fringe booties, ankle boots with leggings boyfriend sweater, phillip lim target floral shirt, h&m fringe booties, ankle boots with leggings boyfriend sweater, phillip lim target floral shirt, h&m fringe booties, ankle boots with leggings boyfriend sweater, phillip lim target floral shirt, h&m fringe booties, ankle boots with leggingsBLOGLOVIN’ | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM

After 2 days in a row of that hat, you guys probably forgot what the top of my head looks like, huh? Well now you know…it looks like someone hasn’t gotten her hair colored in a while (don’t worry; I have an appointment this weekend).

For day 6 of the Take One challenge, I remixed my gray sweater. I like how it looks with this top because they both have a subtle hi-lo hem. And I like this top with leggings because it’s nice and long. Allow me to remind you of the legwear heirarchy: Pants > Leggings > Tights. Leggings might be more than tights, but they are less than pants. Not “less than or equal to.” Just “less than.” OK, moving on.

Tomorrow I’ll post the roundup of my first week of the Take One, Pass it On challenge, and I’ll post everyone else’s links! I already know of 13 bloggers participating. If you haven’t already emailed, tweeted, or left a comment with your link, please do so ASAP!

similar Shirt // similar Sweater // similar Leggings // similar Boots* // similar Necklace // Lips “Crush”

*Boots purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.