When: May 18 // Weather: springy // Real life: working from home, then delivering baked goods to friends

Please note the squirrel in the background who really wanted to have his picture taken but did not want to share his nut.

Tee (sustainable brand) // Pants (sustainable brand) // Shoes (quasi-sustainable brand) // Mask (sustainable brand) // Necklace (sustainable brand)
I tell you what. These days, when I get an email from some mailing list that starts off with “During these difficult times…” I’m like, “Can you be more specific?” There are many many words being shared on the almighty Internet right now – some are terrifying, some are enlightening, some are infuriating, and some are downright beautiful.
It’s never been my MO to add more words (or black squares) to the pile if I don’t feel like they’re adding anything meaningful. So, for now, let me just share this little outfit featuring some sustainable pieces, and draw your attention to a new feature in my sidebar, “Real-Life Giving.” My plan is to highlight non-profit organizations that I personally have donated to and that I think are worth your attention. It will change from time to time, but I am starting with the NAACP Legal and Educational Fund. If you are so inclined (and I hope you are), please check them out and consider making a meaningful donation, whatever meaningful means to you.