
When: January 21, 2021 // Weather: 40s // Real life: working from home

This was the day after inauguration day [insert sigh of relief] and clearly I was inspired by VP Harris, Michelle Obama, and other fabulous women to bust out some jewel tones.

I was living for all the fashion on display from the Biden and Harris women on January 20. Some people might think it’s frivolous to talk about clothes when there were important historical things happening. But what if the clothes were part of the historical thing?

I can’t even count how many times I’ve read or been told that to be “taken seriously” I should dress conservatively and professionally (whatever that means), look nice but not too nice, wear makeup but not too much makeup, make sure my clothes fit well but aren’t too tight or revealing…I could go on. Over the years I’ve found a pretty good balance between following the rules and wearing wtf I want, but I know plenty of women who stick to drab workwear just because it’s easier.

So to see all these women at a hugely important political event proudly rocking purple and pink and bejeweled plaid and statement belts made me SO HAPPY. What a great day in (fashion) history.

Shirt (look for Equipment blouses secondhand) // Shoes (sustainable brand) // Sunglasses (secondhand) // Earrings (sustainable brand)

Bag Goals

When: January 15, 2021 // Weather: cold // Real life: working from home then a Target run

I’d bet that lots of girls like me who grew up obsessed with all things fashion share some things in common: we had only 1 or 2 Barbies but many many outfits for her; we watched Clueless 1000 times (or another stylish movie depending on our age); and as we got older we started lusting after a particular designer’s handbags.

For me, that designer was Balenciaga. I probably saw one in a copy of Vogue in college or something, but to me they seemed kind of punk rock and classic at the same time (in other words, perfect). I even bought a fake one on Canal Street many years ago (which as a trademark attorney I’m now ashamed to admit!).

Anyway, a couple months ago I thought to myself “I can finally afford my ‘dream bag’ so what am I waiting for?!” I decided I had earned a reward for surviving 2020, as we all do. So in keeping with my sustainability goals, I found the perfect gently used Balenciaga bag on The RealReal and made her mine. So far she’s only been to Target and FedEx (thanks, pandemic) but I’m optimistic she’ll see more of the world one day soon.

Sweater (quasi-sustainable brand) // similar Pants (secondhand) // similar Bag (secondhand) // similar Shoes