Chill Out

striped midi dress, cropped jean jacket, navy espadrilles

When: Friday before last // Weather: sunny and warm, then chilly after sunset // Real life: work, then Symphony on the Prairie

striped midi dress, cropped jean jacket, navy espadrilles

striped midi dress, cropped jean jacket, navy espadrilles

striped midi dress, cropped jean jacket, navy espadrilles

striped midi dress, cropped jean jacket, navy espadrilles

You know what I love about summer in Indiana compared to summer in North Carolina (where I grew up)? Even in the middle of July, you can have a chilly evening that makes you thankful for a cozy blanket or a jacket. As long as you’re not caught unprepared for the chill, it’s so freaking lovely. On the other hand, in the NC, it gets hot in May, and your ass cheek creases stay sweaty until October. This is why I don’t understand hot yoga. I didn’t leave the South so I could pay $20 to melt.

Speaking of getting a break from the heat, I’m going to Toronto this week! I’ve never been but I’ve only heard good things. It’ll only be a couple days, and it’s work-related, but I’m excited to see a new place. If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, do it now, because it’s where I’ll document my trip, and who doesn’t love taking vicarious vacations?

Dress // similar Jacket // similar Shoes // similar Bag



suede moto jacket, skinny jeans, white tee, neck scarf, ankle strap wedges

When: Friday before last // Weather: sunny and mild // Real life: work

suede moto jacket, skinny jeans, white tee, neck scarf, ankle strap wedges

suede moto jacket, skinny jeans, white tee, neck scarf, ankle strap wedges

suede moto jacket, skinny jeans, white tee, neck scarf, ankle strap wedges

suede moto jacket, skinny jeans, white tee, neck scarf, ankle strap wedges

suede moto jacket, skinny jeans, white tee, neck scarf, ankle strap wedges

What is it about a cute bandana around my neck that elicits the most interesting comments from people? When I wore this, one of my coworkers said I looked like I was going to a rodeo, but a rodeo where I would judge people. I have a feeling if I wore these shoes to a rodeo, I would be the one being judged.

Still, I’m thinking of changing the name of my blog to “The Judgmental Cowgirl.” What do you think? 😉

similar Jacket (on sale) // Scarf // similar Shoes // Bag // similar Sunglasses

