Moves Like Jagger {Blog Outtakes}


Siiiiingin’ in the rain, just siiiiiiingin’ in the rain. What a gloooooo — OH HEY, didn’t see you there. I was too busy goofing off when I’m supposed to be taking outfit photos. But would you look at the calendar? It’s January 24, which is Kristin’s birthday and (not coincidentally) the day of my annual bloopers/outtakes post! Last year I showed you the Many Ridiculous Faces of Sarah, so how about this year I reveal how I’m prone to bust a move in between my “normal” look-at-my-outfit poses?



Some of my moves are improvised one-offs (like above), and sometimes I perform a whole routine (like below).



Some of my dance moves are really sexy. You can tell the sexy ones because I make a kissy face, see?




Oh, did I mention I’ve take a few dance classes before? Like a dozen, or maybe a few thousand. Sometimes my goofing off becomes pretty technical…





Aaaaaaaaaaand back to awkward.


Everyone do a ridiculous dance move in public today in Kristin’s honor – I know I will!

I Love Your Funny Face

Today is my wife Kristin’s 30th birthday, and I’m giving her the ultimate gift: the gift of my own public humiliation.

As some of you know, she takes most of the photos for my blog, even when it’s not convenient for her. And sometimes it’s cold and she’s grumpy. But she does it anyway because she’s the best and she loves me. Most of the time when Kristin takes my outfit photos, she insists on taking a shot or two of me making a funny face. I play along because sometimes it’s the only way to get her to finish taking real photos. All of these funny faces stay on my hard drive so that I can maintain the classy, formal, and serious tone that you’ve become accustomed to here on Sarah’s Real Life. Until now…

In honor of Kristin’s dirty 30, here are 30 ridiculous faces from her #1 favorite style blogger, 1 for every year she’s been awesome:

funnyface1 funnyface2

You’re welcome, world.

Happy birthday, babe! Love you!