True Colors

leopard tulle skirt, tassel earrings, midi skirt with ankle boots

leopard tulle skirt, tassel earrings, midi skirt with ankle boots

When: a couple weeks ago // Weather: 50s // Real life: work

leopard tulle skirt, tassel earrings, midi skirt with ankle boots

leopard tulle skirt, tassel earrings, midi skirt with ankle boots

leopard tulle skirt, tassel earrings, midi skirt with ankle boots

leopard tulle skirt, tassel earrings, midi skirt with ankle boots

leopard tulle skirt, tassel earrings, midi skirt with ankle boots

What’s your favorite fall color? Burgundy? Olive green? Maybe a little burnt sienna a la Bob Ross?

Mine is leopard. If your reaction to that is “but leopard’s not a color,” then I’m sorry but we can’t be friends.

Sweater // Skirt (only $25!) // similar Boots // similar Bag // similar Earrings

3 thoughts on “True Colors”

  1. Hi Sarah! Longtime reader and general fan here. I was wondering if you’ve considered showcasing more ethical/sustainable clothing on your blog, or cutting back on the amount of clothing you buy. This summer, I learned that fast fashion is the second-highest polluting industry after oil, and since then, I’ve been trying to change my shopping habits. I’m trying to avoid fast fashion (which is HARD for me as a clothes horse), I’m thrifting more often, and buying ethically/sustainably when I can. As a smart, left-leaning lady, I’m wondering if you’ve had any similar thoughts. I really love your voice and your blog but I genuinely feel like some fast fashion is becoming increasingly problematic for me in light of the terrifying pace of climate change. Would love to hear what you think about this!

    1. Hi Emma! You make an EXCELLENT point and one I should probably think about more. Lately I’ve been transitioning all my makeup, skincare, and haircare products to cruelty free brands. It hasn’t been too hard because cruelty free has started getting pretty trendy and you can even find ethical stuff at grocery stores. Hopefully the fashion world will follow and make it a little easier for us shopaholics to put our money to better use! (Not to say we shouldn’t make more of an effort in the meantime.) Thanks for commenting!

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