Stop and Smell the

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

When: Sept. 18 // Weather: warm // Real life: work, then dinner with my peeps

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

navy shift dress, embellished mules slides

Hi. Are you angry? Probably, because everyone is angry. You might be angry because you think Kavanaugh assaulted someone and still got appointed to the Supreme Court; you might be angry because you think his reputation was damaged based on one old story; you might be angry because you think Dr. Ford took a huge risk and it was all in vain; you might be angry because you think this was all a scheme by the Democrats; you might be angry because you think the Republicans don’t care; you might be angry because you think white male privilege is still too prevalent; you might be angry because you feel like there is no justice.

I have no good answer for you. I can only tell you what helps me, and that is to remember that it could be worse, and it has been worse. Just because progress is slow doesn’t mean it’s not happening. So when I’m pissed off about the state of the world, I try to acknowledge at least one positive thing. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses, even when the roses are surrounded by shit.

similar Dress // Shoes // Earrings // similar Sunglasses // similar Bag


5 thoughts on “Stop and Smell the”

  1. It’s so interesting watching all that’s going on in the US from afar. In the UK our judicial, election and legislative systems are different to yours, which makes it all feel a bit abstract when we watch the news and read the papers, but at the heart we have exactly the same issues, just veiled by different systems.

    In many ways I think a lot of us envy you – in Britain we’re not angry enough, perhaps what we need is a catalyst to make us get angry, to call out bad treatment, inequality and prejudice. You guys have got that, you’re getting angry, you’re making yourselves heard, there IS progress. Keep marching on!

    1. Thanks for your perspective, Tiggy! I’m always interested in what non-Americans think about everything that goes on here. Sometimes I imagine Brits thinking “You declared your independence from us, and THIS is what you did with it?!” 🤣

  2. Not at all, in fact, in general our historic colonisation is something that’s largely been forgotten by the population at large – it certainly wasn’t taught as part of the curriculum when I was at school. And besides, we’re about to completely screw our economy and leave ourselves with a massive labour force shortfall (when we leave the EU and start imposing immigration restrictions as a result) so I don’t think we’re really in a position to judge!!

  3. Thank you for this post and your thoughtful comments. I am a first time commenter but long time reader. You are awesome, Sarah!

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