When: last Sunday // Weather: 40s // Real life: enjoying Christmas lights at the art museum zoo
Last weekend we had plans to go to Winterlights, which is this new insanely magical Christmas light display that everyone’s talking about. Sunday night was the perfect night for it because it was cold, but a Christmassy kind of cold, not a “screw-everything-let’s-move-to-South-America” kind of cold (that’s in February).
So I bundled up appropriately (and adorably if I do say so myself), and we drove down to Newfields, only to find out Winterlights was sold out. I didn’t even know it was possible for something that’s outside to sell out! And judging by the number of commercials, billboards, and social media sponsored ads I’ve seen for this damn thing, I thought they were desperate to get as many people there as possible. BUT IT’S FINE I’M NOT BITTER AT ALL.
Anyway, I didn’t leave the house on a Sunday night in a hot pink coat for nothing, so we went to Christmas at the Zoo instead. It was a pretty delightful evening, even if it wasn’t the one we planned. And we got Winterlights tickets for next week, which just means I’ll get to wear another cute hat.
Coat (on sale) // Pants // Scarf // similar Hat // Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag
I’m so jealous you got Winterlights tickets- I wanted to go when my boyfriend was in town this weekend and Friday and Saturday are both sold out
It looks awesome.