February’s Budget: $367
($150 starting budget – $124 overspent last month + $256 blog income minus taxes + $85 selling old clothes)
February’s Spending: $373
I’m quite proud of myself for making up for last month and keeping within $6 of my budget for February! Good job, me. I always knew I could do it, if I could just be so busy with other things that I didn’t have time to shop. Yep, that’s exactly what happened.
My other goal for February was quality over quantity. A whirlwind Target trip kept me from really sticking to that, but at least part of that trip was covered by a gift card I got for Christmas (thanks, Cindy). A gift card also covered most of these amazing Cole Haan suede wingtips.
My bigger ticket items were this suede moto jacket and a pair of fabulous 70s-esque sunglasses (which aren’t available online but you can see them in action here and here). But who knows – maybe my impulse-buy $13 Target earrings will stand the test of time better than the $100 jacket. I’ve already worn both pairs of earrings twice!
What did everyone else spend their hard earned money on this month? Looking forward to linking up with the Budgeting Bloggers Queen, Fran!
Good job staying within budget! I like great deals on earrings but have to be careful because my piercings get irritated from cheap material
-kirsten // http://www.porkandcookies.com
That floral bag is seriously awesome and kudos for staying in budget! I was sooo busy too in February so just got a couple items