How rude of me. I forgot to ask how everyone’s Thanksgiving was. Good?
That’s nice. Mine was better. I hosted for the first time ever and managed not to burn anything (food, myself, or my house). My parents came into town on Tuesday, and we spent 4 days hanging out, talking, watching movies, cooking, eating, drinking, taking walks, listening to music, and decorating the house for Christmas. ‘Twas glorious. I’m starting to understand why people buy houses. Holidays in houses are pretty nice. And I have a feeling my parents enjoyed not sleeping on an air mattress surrounded by shoes and random musical instruments like they did in our old apartment. Not that they complained, of course. Southerners are polite like that.
Anyway, this was my day-before-Thanksgiving outfit. We went out to eat (because dishes), and I think we did something else but I don’t even remember now what it was because last week kind of runs together in my head as a long string of relaxing and fun activities. And food. I hope your Thanksgiving was more of the same! Still not as great as my Thanksgiving, but, you know…decent.
Jacket // Shirt (in lots of colors) // Hat // similar Shoes (on sale) // Bag
I love this Sarah, the colours, the stripes, the matching flats. Right up my street and I’d steal this whole look if only I had a jacket that colour
Steal away! But you’ll have to get your own jacket
Very nice ensemble