City Life

Boden pigeon print shirt, flared trouser jeans, rose gold watch, Indianapolis style blog

Boden pigeon print shirt, flared trouser jeans, rose gold watch, Indianapolis style blog

Boden pigeon print shirt, flared trouser jeans, rose gold watch, Indianapolis style blog

Boden pigeon print shirt, flared trouser jeans, rose gold watch, Indianapolis style blog

Boden pigeon print shirt, flared trouser jeans, rose gold watch, Indianapolis style blog

I’m not sure I could wear this pigeon shirt in a bigger city like Chicago or New York. There are too many actual pigeons there dive-bombing pedestrians and pooping on the sidewalk. Pigeons don’t come across as quirky and cute in those cities, even on shirt.

Luckily, there aren’t many pigeons in Indianapolis. It’s more of a squirrel city. Look, one even interrupted our photo shoot. But in his defense, there was freshly cut grass, so obviously he had to stuff all of it in his mouth. It’s what anyone would have done.


OK, back to me and my adorable shirt.

Boden pigeon print shirt, flared trouser jeans, rose gold watch, Indianapolis style blog

Have a fabulous Sunday!

Shirt (on sale, & it comes in other awesome patterns too!) // Bag // Watch // Ring

2 thoughts on “City Life”

  1. Hi, first time commenting!

    Your hair looks amazing and love the jeans…oh and the shirt.

    Enjoy your brand of humor.

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