Old: The town of Vincennes, Indiana, which was founded in 1732, making it one of the oldest European settlements west of the Appalachians. Everything there is adorably historical and/or retro. I wouldn’t live there in a million years, but it’s nice visiting Kristin’s extended family for holidays once in a while.
New: This sweater, which Kristin got me for Christmas because she’s awesome. And this bag, which I got myself because I too am awesome.
Sweater (under $25!) // Bag (exact version out of stock, but lots more options below) // similar Leggings // similar Belt // similar Sunglasses // Watch* // Boots* // Lips “Whimsical”
*Watch provided courtesy of Dainty Wrist Jewelry; boots purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.
I love your sweater
The old is great, the new is amazing. Love the deep rich blue color of the sweater. It’s nice to have someone special treat your nice cuz you’re awesome. Of course it’s always nice to treat yourself right too, just cuz you’re awesome. Love the bag and leggings. I bought myself the similar leggings cuz I’m awesome too. https://davisbe.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/image1.jpg
Wow! Love this look, you look so chic and badass at the same time.
That third pic of you is just absolutely stunning!!