New Cats on the Block

polka dot popover, black t-shirt dress, ann taylor cheetah pumps, mint rebecca minkoff bag, mint statement earrings polka dot popover, black t-shirt dress, ann taylor cheetah pumps, mint rebecca minkoff bag, mint statement earrings polka dot popover, black t-shirt dress, ann taylor cheetah pumps, mint rebecca minkoff bag, mint statement earrings polka dot popover, black t-shirt dress, ann taylor cheetah pumps, mint rebecca minkoff bag, mint statement earrings polka dot popover, black t-shirt dress, ann taylor cheetah pumps, mint rebecca minkoff bag, mint statement earrings polka dot popover, black t-shirt dress, ann taylor cheetah pumps, mint rebecca minkoff bag, mint statement earrings

I got a ton of compliments on these shoes when I wore them to a party earlier this week. Yeah, yeah, I know I just got a pair of fabulous leopard print pumps recently, but technically these are cheetah print so they’re totally different. I’m not going to go so far as to say that cheetah is the new leopard (nothing will ever be the new leopard), but who says you have to stick to one kind of cat? When I go to the zoo, I don’t go visit the tigers and then ignore the cheetahs and lions. I visit them all, because they’re all awesome.

In fact, I’m planning on going to the zoo this weekend! And you know what else I’m doing? Heading to Nordstrom for the Beauty Trend Event. It’s happening at several locations today and Saturday, so if you want a free makeover before you hit the town, check out the info below.

Shirt (on sale) // similar Dress (under $20) // Shoes (also in a kitten heel!) // Bag // Bracelet // similar Earrings (use code “15OFF”) // similar Sunglasses (under $30) // Lips “Mademoiselle”

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About Beauty Trend Events:
Join Nordstrom Beauty for one-on-one time with savvy beauty experts. They will share the latest beauty tips and tricks while you’re pampered with a free makeup or skincare consultation. Afterwards, get access to FREE deluxe samples and exclusive gifts with purchase (while supply lasts). Admission is free β€” so don’t miss it!
Find participating stores and reserve an appointment here.


Please note: Nordstrom is compensating me for sharing this info with you, and the details in italics above are the words of Nordstrom.

8 thoughts on “New Cats on the Block”

  1. Is it bad that I think I like cheetah print better than leopard? It might be because from far away it looks like polka dots, but up close it’s totally animal print!

    xo Julie

  2. I would definitely compliment you on those if I were at that party too!!!!! They are SO cute! And perfectly paired with polka dots πŸ™‚

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