More Stuff I Wore

peter pan collar, shoemint gold wedges, mint rebecca minkoff bag, windowpane jacket peter pan collar, shoemint gold wedges, mint rebecca minkoff bag, windowpane jacket peter pan collar, shoemint gold wedges, mint rebecca minkoff bag, windowpane jacket peter pan collar, shoemint gold wedges, mint rebecca minkoff bag, windowpane jacket peter pan collar, shoemint gold wedges, mint rebecca minkoff bag, windowpane jacket peter pan collar, shoemint gold wedges, mint rebecca minkoff bag, windowpane jacket

This was my outfit for my last day of class. It’s a little fancier than what I normally wear to class but I wanted to be ready to go out for a celebratory dinner that night. Why wait, right? Ain’t no party like a Sarah party ’cause a Sarah party is PROMPT.

Top // similar Jacket // Shoes // Bag // similar Earrings // Bracelet (on sale)

8 thoughts on “More Stuff I Wore”

  1. I love this top. I have been hesitant to jump on the peter pan collar trend because I thought it would make me look too “twee” but I like how you’ve paired it with the cuffed skinnies & wedges. Also – your last line, please tell me that’s a Liz Lemon reference? 🙂

  2. Oooh I want those shoes! I seriously need new summer sandals stat. (Say that ten times fast).

    xx Alison

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