Look everyone! FLATS! It’s a HEAT WAVE! That’s right, it got all the way to 30 degrees yesterday, and no snow. Stop. The. Presses. So I put on my new silver shoes, along with my new rose gold watch (that fits my tiny wrist)! You guys know it’s OK to mix metals, right? I hope I’m not the first person to tell you that. The only people who will give you funny looks are some members of the over 60 crowd, but you probably give them funny looks for their capri pants and visors, so I say we call it even.
Watch* // Shoes “Kali” // similar Scarf (on sale) // similar Sweater (on sale) // similar Jeans (under $15) // other similar Jeans (in more sizes) // Sunglasses // Lips “Orange de Chine”
*Watch provided courtesy of Dainty Wrist Jewelry.
Wonderful outfit!
According to Google 30 Fahrenheit is still minus 1,11111 degree celsius. [by the way how do you say that with the recurring and repeating numbers? in German it’s period but I suppsoe that’s not the case in English, is it?]
That would be way to cold for me to put my feet in flats without fluffy socks.
And looks stupid so it’s still combat boots for me until it’s at least 10 celsius outside (50 Fahrenheit)
I think nowadays you can mix and match about everything, I mean what else should you do? Get another set of wedding bands and engagement ring in gold as well ?
Nice outfit and most important part are the sunglasses !
Being blindend by the sun’s reflection in the snow is not funny.
Have a good day!
Oh yes. 30 degrees is by no means warm. But when it’s been in the single digits on a regular basis, 30 seems like spring time!
Love this outfit and those flats are gorgeous – yay for warmer weather!!
I have been wanting a pair of polka dot jeans and yours are so cute! Great outfit.
Got them at Target!!
Yet another reason why Target is my lifeblood.
I’m all for mixing metals! Loving those metallic flats!
Clothes & Quotes
Thanks! I’ve been looking for the perfect pair for months. They aren’t the most comfortable things in the world, but they sure are shiny.
Love the mint shades.
xoxo, KP
Eleventh & Sixteenth
I mix metals all the time! My mother-in-law also tells me that belts should match shoes, and I almost never do that, haha.
Those are really fashionable pair of pants ! And the watch is just beautiful !!
You look cute in that mint
love the minty green!
Aww no snow!! I’m totally jealous. We’re super “warm” like that here too, but of course, in the midst of a big snowfall. You just can’t win!
Serious kudos for busting out the flats. I just don’t think I can do that quite yet
xo Jackie
Something About That
Ugh, those flats are sold out
They are lovely, and so is the winter mint!