This post is sponsored by H&M
Once upon a time, I didn’t live 5 minutes from an H&M. It was this magical place I only got to go when I visited a big city, and I had to buy a zillion things because they didn’t ship within the U.S. and who knows when I would go again. Not the greatest plan, but it’s all I had. Now that I live in Indianapolis, I can shop at H&M whenever I want without making impulse buys, which is a much better situation. Still, now I have city girl guilt (a term I just made up) when I sport my H&M duds on the blog or out of town because I know not everyone has access to them.
Too bad they don’t ship in the U.S.
Wait, what’s that you say, Sarah? They DO ship in the U.S.?! Since when?
YES. Stop having an imaginary conversation with me. It’s true. As of today, August 1st, all y’all Amurricans can order online at
Even more exciting (for me mostly) is that I get to help make this announcement as the official State Style Blogger Ambassador for Indiana. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Basically, H&M picked bloggers from each of the 50 states to help put the word out about the online shop AND about a the “50 States of Fashion” promotional contest, where you have a chance to win H&M gift cards and even a trip to NYC!
So here goes:
To enter the 50 States of Fashion contest, just Instagram a pic of yourself wearing something(s) from H&M and tag it with #HMShopOnline[XX]. The [XX] is where you put your state abbreviation. So for example, when I Instagram one of the photos above, I will use the hashtag #HMShopOnlineIN. If you live in New York, you’ll use #HMShopOnlineNY. You get the idea. I’d also love for you to tag me (@sarahsreallife) in your caption so I can check out all your entries and vote for them, but that’s optional of course!
All the photo entries will populate on H&M’s 50 States of Fashion website, where people can vote for their favorites over the course of 3 weeks. You can find all the nitty gritty details here.
Or if Instagram contests aren’t your thing, you can just shop. No hashtags required.
Have fun!
similar Dress (on sale) // Jacket* // similar Shoes* // similar Bracelet // similar Bag (on sale) // Sunglasses // Lips “Romantic”
*Jacket and shoes courtesy of H&M.
WOW this is great news and congrats on your ambassadorship.
Love your jacket and shoes too!!
Very cool opportunity, Sarah! Now if only H&M would open their online shop to Canadians as well…
xo, alison*elle
Aw, maybe you’ll be next!
That’s awesome! We have an H & M here in KY. I’m definitely giving it a shot!
Yay, Sarah! So glad we get to be ambassadors together. I love your look–those shoes are amazing!
From hair to superawesome shoes that look is one of my favorites ever. And I am always a big fan of your banter.
HOLY SHOP is right! Congrats on being an official ambassador lady! You know I will be getting my shop on… just ’cause I can now!
Congrats!! And I am loving your dress. I am lucky enough to have a great H&M by me too…but before we got one, I would hit up the Indy locations!
This competition seems to be a little unfair. You need a H&M store right around the corner as you need to be dressed in H&M. The problem is that there is none in Fairbanks, AK and they just got online for shopping and shipping to Alaska takes ages. Thus, it is actually a 49 States competition leaving the 49th State (Alaska) out.
Well, in the information that was sent to me as a style blogger ambassador, it did say you were supposed to be wearing H&M in your photo. However, I noticed in the official rules that it just says to upload a photo relating to personal style. So I say if you want to enter, just go for it and don’t worry about whether you’re wearing H&M! I’ll see if I can find out for sure and update you guys next week.
If you haven’t already, you should check out the Alaska H&M ambassador and ask her how long it took her shipment to arrive! (She’s at