Making a Statement

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Well, here we are. Pin to Real Life week is over and I’m slightly concerned that I forgot how to come up with my own outfits. So far so good, but only time will tell.

One thing I discovered last week when I was going through all my pins looking for outfits to recreate is that I have a thing for statement necklaces. A good chunk of the photos I saved were of little tiny girls with big ol’ baubles around their necks. I wanted to be one of those weighed down girls. But this girl only had reasonably sized necklaces in her arsenal. Lame.

As luck would have it, I got a generous offer from Max & Chloe to send me something from their shop. Wouldn’t you know it, they have a crap ton of statement necklaces! I picked out the one you see above, but I had a hard time deciding. Below are some of the other Max & Chloe neck candies (is that a term? like arm candy?) that I liked. Have at it, ladies.

Max & Chloe Statement Necklaces

Shop these beauties: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

Shirt (on sale) // similar Skirt // Shoes // Necklace* // similar Bag // Lips “Punch Drunk”

*Necklace gifted to me by Max & Chloe, but I picked it out and all opinions are my own.

6 thoughts on “Making a Statement”

  1. I’m a sucker for a good statement necklace! Love the one you picked out! And those wedge heels are great, I bet they are super comfy too.

  2. Love it and, love it. As of late can’t get enough gingham.
    I hope yours keeps on giving.

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