Pin to Real Life Outfit #7


Left image source: Kendi Everyday (used with permission)


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Here it is, folks: the last in a week’s worth of outfits inspired by my Pinterest favorites.

I pinned this outfit from Kendi way back in January (she lives in Texas, where apparently you can bare your legs in the winter without dying immediately – blows my mind). If you read her post – which you should because she’s almost as hilarious as I am – you’ll find out that Kendi actually copied her outfit from a Madewell mannequin. My friend Alanis thinks it’s pretty ironic that now I’m copying her copied outfit. Don’t you think?

Also – and this is super important – if you were still planning on doing a #PinToRealLife outfit soon, I still want to see it! Over the weekend I’ll do a roundup and include links to everyone who played along. So be sure link back to me in your post, and then send me your link – email me or tag me on Twitter or something.

similar Shirt (under $10) // similar Skirt // similar Scarf // similar Shoes (on sale) // Bracelet // vintage Coach bag via eBay // Sunglasses

13 thoughts on “Pin to Real Life Outfit #7”

  1. Your friend Alanis..haha! You look very French in this look, maybe its the scarf…


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