Comfy Chic

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What a great outfit for a Saturday night, right? Yeah. Except I wore this on Tuesday night. OK, here’s what happened…

I wasn’t going anywhere fancy or dressy (a pub then a comedy club), which is why I wanted to change out of the pencil skirt and cardigan I wore to work that day. The temps had climbed to 80 by the late afternoon, so I knew I wanted to wear a skirt. This skirt might look constricting, but it’s actually really soft and stretchy. Bottom: picked.

So then I thought, hmmm…I should wear a top I haven’t worn in a while. But something loose and comfortable. Top: picked.

Finally, I needed to put something on my feet. Since nearly every day of the past 4 months I’ve had to go to either work or school (or both), I thought I’d wear a pair of shoes I wouldn’t wear either of those places. Shoes: picked.

I put all this on, looked at myself in the mirror and thought “Where are you going, Sarah? It’s Tuesday.” But hey, I thought I looked pretty good, and I felt super comfortable, which is what I was going for. The fact that I looked kind of dressed up was just an accident.

Here’s my advice for when you feel overdressed: just strut with confidence like you’ve got somewhere really important to go later, or like you’re visiting from a much more sophisticated city. Everyone will think you’re awesome. Or at the very least you will think you’re awesome, and that’s what counts.

similar Skirt (on sale) // similar Top // similar Shoes // similar Bag (on sale) // Lipstick “Pourpre Preview”

9 thoughts on “Comfy Chic”

  1. Nice! Love this on you. Those shoes are TDF. Unless you’re going clamming or gardening or some such thing, I don’t think you can ever be overdressed. 🙂

  2. I think this outfit is adorable for a Tuesday night date! And you’re right, you rocked it with confidence so you looked amazing no matter what.


  3. I love your advice for feeling overdressed! I frequently go the buisness casual route at work (in a hospital laboratory) which is very uncommon among co-workers. I totally do what you said, strut around like I have way more important things to do later. It used to bug me whenever I wore a skirt and heels that everyone would ask “do you have something fancy to do after work?” when I certainly did not…now I just tell them that I do!

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