A Little Bit of Nautical in My Life

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Sorry about the title. I heard “Mambo No. 5” on the radio right before I uploaded these photos.

So I really like nautical things like navy and white stripes, anchors, and boat shoes, but normally only one at a time. I feel like a phony wearing too much nautical-inspired gear at once considering my boat knowledge is slim.

Starboard. Sail. Ahoy, matey. Iceberg: right ahead!

That’s about the extent of my expertise. As you can see above, I broke my rule recently and wore navy stripes AND navy Sperrys at the same time. But somehow I have a feeling no one’s going to mistake me for a ship captain – except maybe for a Carnival cruise ship captain, because Carnival seems to have pretty low standards these days.

Jacket // similar Shirt // Jeans // similar Belt // Shoes

4 thoughts on “A Little Bit of Nautical in My Life”

  1. Ha I read the title out in a Mambo Number 5 stylee when I saw it in my dashboard then clicked through and read your text! Great minds…?!

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