A good chunk of the U.S. is under a few inches of snow, and my handsome city of Indianapolis is part of that chunk. We got just under 4″, which is – I imagine – a typical June day in Minnesota, so I can’t complain too much.
Unfortunately, this snow fell at the precise moment my internal calendar told me it should be almost spring. (Unlike normal women, my biological clock doesn’t tell me to have babies; it just tells me when I should and shouldn’t wear tights.) So while I would really like to not be wearing an extra layer under this chambray, and to not be wearing tights under this skirt, and to be wearing cute wedges instead of fleece socks and Hunters…I’ll do what I have to do for now.
And on a completely different note, I ran out of time to do my normal hair routine yesterday. Normally I use a de-frizzing serum, I separate my hair into 3 layers to straighten it, and I use hairspray to finish. Today I used NO products and ran the straightener through a couple random chunks. Maybe I’m crazy, but I think it looks exactly the same. And that is making me kind of mad. Why have I been wasting my time?!? If someone could please tell me my hair looks bad, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Chambray // similar Skirt // another similar Skirt // Gold Bracelet // Rubber Bracelet // Socks // Boots
Your hair looks totally great. I didn’t realize the fun reverse ombre you have going on too – love it! The snow looks so pretty in your pics! I literally have a seven foot pile of snow in my front yard, and about 2.5 feet in the backyard (my kid’s playhouse is mostly buried – I consider it my backyard’s litmus test). It’s about effing time for this snow to GTFO. In outfit news, your socks/Hunters are sweet. Love them.
You look so well and so happy, one wouldn’t think you are longing for spring. As for the hair care – it is actually after a longer period of time when you see if you can do without a beauty routine – and usually you can’t. I dropped my weekly facial mask a few months ago because “there was no difference” and about a fortnight ago I saw the unhappy consequences – and started again with renewed zeal.
I’m looking for HER too…..kisses
You can skip it then right? I like the printed skirt. It would scare me to wear but the tights and chambray tone it down.
Your hair does look fabulous. Mine normally looks pretty good most of the time, but if I actually use the smoothing cream and the anti-frizz and blow-dry it… it’s like looking at a cars high-beams. Then it looks “really good” for another day or two after – mostly because I’m loathe to wash it again after all that hard work.
My biological clock has no “baby alarm” either; I’m pretty certain it was broken the first time I heard a baby shriek in unhappiness (my ovaries may have shriveled up at that sound as well).
I love the outfit today! Fun! I have a similar shirt – but your skirt is very cool – and I don’t have anything like that at all!
Haha yes my lady parts shrink at the sight (or sound) of a baby!
love love love that gold bracelet
ps: sorry to break it to you, but your hair looks fab! Lol : )
Darn it! You are no help!
I think your hair looks better than normal because it has more body. If you’re game, show us what it looks like just washed and air dried. Is it curly? I have curly hair and encourage the curls, rather than straightening them. If you do have curly hair, and decide to let it stay curly, I can recommend some good products.
Love the skirt. It’s almost like your effort to call to spring and say, “Look, I have the skirt for you. Come and enjoy it!” I like the boots too. They’re cute.
I have no internal baby clock either. At thirty, I was told I might be infertile. Didn’t bother me a bit. I’m now 42 and don’t for a minute regret my decision not to have a child.
It is actually not curly at all, and barely wavy on the ends. It’s just very thick, so I straighten it to make it less poofy and more shiny. It clearly doesn’t make as much difference as I think it does.
love your skirt, the print is really nice and your hunters are so cute as well!
xx Kate
The Style Department
Love your skirt! I’m getting pretty anxious for Spring in Toronto too!
I love your hair!
And your skirt is so cute – it looks like a page from a fairy tale! I live just south of Indy – OVER this snow. Thankfully it’s melting. Oh Indiana weather!
I love this skirt — can’t get over it. It’s perfect!
Super cute! And I love the snow shoot. I live in Boston and it is so snowy out there.
I was just thinking how great your hair looked so maybe chuck out all your products and just do that again?