I love that I wore this dress for NYE, and then made it work for the office (yep, back in an office again thanks to my internship this semester). Adding a collared shirt officially makes everything business casual. It’s a rule. Next I’m going to try it with a space suit, and then a bikini. And then a space bikini. That way, if I get into work and my supervisor asks if I can meet with a client who’s tanning on the moon, I’ll be appropriately dressed while still representing the state of Indiana in a professional manner.
Shirt: H&M
Dress: c/o eShakti
Shoes: Sole Society (sign up here)
Lipstick: YSL Glossy Stain No. 16
oh my goodness, Sarah, adore this outfit. You look amazing. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo
I love your blog! Thanks so much for sharing.
Really tasteful, I admire your look here
<3 Sarah
I am so glad that I came across you when googling “How to wear a bubble necklace.” You honestly give me more ideas and know-how than InStyle and LouLou mixed together. I adore your style!
So glad I could help
I’ve never even heard of LouLou though…I’m gonna have to check that out!
I love this! Your shoes are just so fab. Great office look.
Great fashioning of this dress! I actually had to go back and look at your NYE post to see how you styled it then, but adding a shirt under this dress makes it look totally different.
I also covet your shoes. Seriously. Those are awesome.
I just posted some “Mama fashions” on my blog a couple of days ago…. not nearly as fab as what you wear, but sometimes function wins out over fashion in my life. I’d love your thoughts!
Thanks Patricia! And thanks for sharing your post. I think any piece of clothing that you can’t wear in at least 3 ways is just a waste of money. Unless maybe it’s a special occasion dress.
I’m so bad with layering, but I’d love to wear dresses like this. Gorgeous combo!
Thanks! I really like how it turned out.
Such a classy outfit, love the heels!
That dress works perfectly with the collared shirt!
Loving those shoes!
Oooooh, I LOVE this dress on you Sarah! You have styled it to perfection too! The collard shirt underneath is brilliant and the shoes look like they were made for this;) The fit is so great on you. You should wear more peplum/pencil skirts more, your figure is so great! I think this is my fave
More peplum and pencil skirts. Duly noted.
cute layering!
xo Jennifer
Holy smokes, I love what you’ve done with that fabulous dress! It looks so perfectly business casual with the collared shirt. I never would’ve thought of that! And I love your new SS shoes, they are my fave place to order shoes from (I have way too many).
I have 3 pairs from Sole Society, and I have a $25 off code that’s only good through the end of this month. I’m not sure I can pass that up
I love your lip colour, especially with the shoes you’re wearing. Actually, I just like the colour palette of this outfit in general. Cute
Thanks! I usually am not so “matchy” but I just liked how the colors in the shirt and shoes picked up the colors in the dress.
Well, I really love how you paired the dress with the shirt…works well together. However, I did not det the concept of the shoes, It’s a bit different. But then, that’s what fashion is all about, being original and different. Overall, you wore and styled it well.
It’s OK if you don’t like my shoes…it means I don’t have to worry that you’ll come to my house and steal them