So This is Christmas [Break]





20121218-155744.jpgEveryone, I have an announcement: I AM HALFWAY DONE WITH LAW SCHOOL.

That’s right, 3 out of 6 semesters are done! I am feeling pretty good right now. I feel even better thinking about the wonderful month-long break that is now officially underway. I was already in the Christmas spirit (I found gift shopping a good way to clear my head in between studying for exams), but now I am extra jolly!

After turning in my last take-home exam, I freshened myself up (in a Beatles t-shirt I stole from Kristin’s closet – thanks, love) for dinner, drinks, and a movie.

In case you’re wondering, we saw Silver Linings Playbook. Some parts were kind of slow moving, but Bradley Cooper was seriously amazing. Who would have guessed? Overall it was very good. At my theater, an elderly couple walked out less than halfway through. And any movie that offends old people is good in my book.

P.S. This outfit was inspired by this photo I pinned awhile back.

Coat: Victoria’s Secret, old (similarΒ – on sale)

Tee: Junk Food

Cardigan: H&M (similar hereΒ and here)

Jeans: Express

Boots: Target

Necklace: Target

Bracelet: Forever 21

13 thoughts on “So This is Christmas [Break]”

  1. Wait, they do take-home exams in law school now? I still have nightmares about frantically scribbling in blue books as the clock ticks away!

    1. Haha there are still more normal exams than takehome. And most of the takehomes still have a time limit, but longer than the usual 3 hours. Takehomes have some pros and cons – I don’t know that I prefer them over normal exams, but it is nice to be able to choose when to take them.

  2. I think that Jennifer Lawrence is too young for Bradley Cooper, but eh. I like the band tee with the leopard and the sparkly necklace. Definitely very cute for a casual outfit!

  3. Congrats on finishing your semester and being halfway through! So jells you are on a break:) I loved holiday breaks in school. So jells of that awesome cardigan you have too! Ship that on over with the stripe zara jacket whenever you are ready girl!

  4. That yellow trench coat is so cute! Congratulations on finishing the semester.
    If you get a chance, please checkout my latest holiday post.


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