In real life, I do not do chores in cute outfits. This is not Pleasantville. But the upstairs neighbors apparently just got a bird feeder, and there are some very aggressively-eating birds in the area, so my balcony was covered in sunflower seed shells. Since I try to keep it relatively classy here at Sarah’s Real Life, I thought I should tidy up a bit before photos. After all, I wanted you all to look at these pics and marvel at my fantastic loafers without being distracted by some robins’ dinner scraps.
Anywho, this little ensemble came about because I planned to wear this black dress, then put it on and realized it was shorter than I remembered. I was a little worried it was too short for work, but I didn’t have time to think of something else to wear. So I figured if I stuck with flats and went first-lady elegant on top, that it would all even out. Do you think it worked? (only tell me if it did – I have delicate feelings)
Dress: H&M / Jacket: Walter / Shoes: Calvin Klein / Necklace: Givenchy
so cuuuteee