Black & Tan

spanx  moto leggings, camel cardigan, nude ankle boots

When: December 2, 2020 // Weather: 50s // Real life: working from home

spanx moto leggings, camel cardigan, nude ankle boots
spanx moto leggings, camel cardigan, nude ankle boots
spanx moto leggings, camel cardigan, nude ankle boots
spanx moto leggings, camel cardigan, nude ankle boots

Stick a sanitized fork in me, because I have now perfected the fancy yet comfortable work from home outfit, and my work here is done. It’s basically leggings, a t-shirt, a cozy cardigan, and [almost] flat boots, but the luxe-looking materials and classic colors make me look like one of those rich stay-at-home moms that doesn’t actually take care of her children because she’s too busy going to Pilates and planning fundraisers. (Not actually a life goal of mine, but I’m not mad about the look.)

Leggings (I recommend sizing up if you don’t care about shrinking your legs) // T-Shirt (sustainable brand) // similar Sweater (secondhand) // Boots // Necklace (sustainable brand)

True Colors

atlantic pacific halogen sweater, universal standard jeans, sustainable fashion blogger

When: November 17, 2020 // Weather: chilly & sunny // Real life: working from home

atlantic pacific halogen sweater, universal standard jeans, sustainable fashion blogger
atlantic pacific halogen sweater, universal standard jeans, sustainable fashion blogger
atlantic pacific halogen sweater, universal standard jeans, sustainable fashion blogger
atlantic pacific halogen sweater, universal standard jeans, sustainable fashion blogger
atlantic pacific halogen sweater, universal standard jeans, sustainable fashion blogger

I’ve been wearing a lot of neutrals lately, but FEAR NOT, I will still proudly rock a sweater with far too many different colors on it. As much as I may like following “sustainable fashion” influencers with their all-beige-and-cream capsule wardrobes, I’ve come to accept that that’s just not my jam. I would rather invest in well-made neutral basics from sustainable brands (like these jeans) that I can wear over and over, and then jeuje them up with random fun things that I find secondhand (like this sweater + shoes).

If you’re thinking to yourself “WOW Sarah, there are so many ways to incorporate more ecofriendly and ethical shopping practices, no matter what my style is” then I have done my job.

similar Sweater (secondhand) // Jeans (sustainable brand) // Sunglasses (secondhand) // Shoes (secondhand) // Necklace