On Safari

spring outfits, stripe button up, cropped pants outfit, rancher hat

When: March 21, 2021 // Weather: 60s // Real life: zoo visit and dinner on a patio

spring outfits, stripe button up, cropped pants outfit, rancher hat
spring outfits, stripe button up, cropped pants outfit, rancher hat
spring outfits, stripe button up, cropped pants outfit, rancher hat
spring outfits, stripe button up, cropped pants outfit, rancher hat
spring outfits, stripe button up, cropped pants outfit, rancher hat

Kristin and I went to the zoo a couple weeks ago (an outing! I know!) and you know what the main attraction was? Tigers? Dolphins? Nope, it was us and our outfits. (See the hers & hers looks here.) Every time we turned a corner, someone else wanted to tell us how cute we both looked. Now we know what it’s like for Beyonce and Jay Z when they just want to go about life but fans won’t leave them alone. It’s so hard.

After more than a year of working from home, I’ve learned that I really do enjoy dressing for myself, but if I’m being totally honest…I did not hate being showered with compliments. 🙂

Shirt is secondhand // Pants & Shoes are from a brand I no longer support because it turns out they’re racists (similar pants, similar shoes) // similar Hat // Bag (sustainable brand) // Sunglasses

WTF is a Cardicoat?

leze the label cardicoat, Able blue snakeskin boots

When: March 17, 2021 // Weather: chilly and cloudy // Real life: working from home

leze the label cardicoat, Able blue snakeskin boots
leze the label cardicoat, Able blue snakeskin boots
leze the label cardicoat, Able blue snakeskin boots

When I got off my 6-week shopping hiatus, this “cardicoat” was my very first purchase. Is it a cardigan? Is it a coat? Is it basically a robe that’s socially acceptable to wear outside? It’s all of these things and more. And for those of us in the Midwest who experience approximately 6 different seasons between February and May, it’s a great transition piece.

In 10 years I’ll probably look back on these photos and think, “did I really go outside in a glorified bathrobe and cowboy boots?!” And then I’ll remember, “yes, because the world was on fire and I finally learned to care slightly less about perfection and more about dressing for myself.”

Cardicoat (made from recycled fishing nets!) // Boots (sustainable brand)