Sunday Brunch

asymmetrical striped top, ysl college bag, suede slide sandals

asymmetrical striped top, ysl college bag, suede slide sandals

When: a few weekends ago // Weather: 70s // Real life: brunch with frands

asymmetrical striped top, ysl college bag, suede slide sandals

asymmetrical striped top, ysl college bag, suede slide sandals

asymmetrical striped top, ysl college bag, suede slide sandals

asymmetrical striped top, ysl college bag, suede slide sandals

asymmetrical striped top, ysl college bag, suede slide sandals

If going to an overpriced boozy brunch with friends on Sunday makes me a stereotypical millennial, then get me some Warby Parkers and move me back in with my parents, because I. don’t. care. Brunch is the bomb dot com (I’m on the older end of the millennial spectrum, so my slang might be a little out of date).

The hardest part is deciding if I want sweet (like French toast) or savory (like veggie eggs Benedict). The former goes better with a good cup of coffee, and the latter is lovely with a champagne cocktail. Now that I’m more handy in the kitchen, sometimes I just stay home and have a little of all of those things, without spending all of my hard-earned money. Then again, I also love an excuse to put together a good brunch outfit. 😉

Happy Sunday, everyone, and enjoy your brunch, wherever it may be!

Top (on sale) // Bag (lower price option) // similar Shoes

2 thoughts on “Sunday Brunch”

  1. This post….is one of your finest! I literally laughed out loud at the Warby Parker line…while wearing my Warby Parker glasses. Sigh.

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