When: Sunday // Weather: sunny but very cold // Real life: Mac n cheese festival
Question: What does one wear to a mac n cheese festival?
Answer: Elastic waist pants and loose fitting layers.
We were lucky my mom was able to get us tickets to Indy’s first festival dedicated solely to the golden goodness that is macaroni and cheese. They sold out once, then again, then they secured a bigger venue and sold out again. Clearly, there’s nothing Midwesterners love more than unlimited samples of fattening foods. Especially when there’s also booze (which there was).
I hope the festival comes back next year with some improvements. It was pretty disorganized and there weren’t as many vegetarian options as I had hoped. Still, not many better ways to spend a Sunday afternoon when it’s below 20 degrees out! We made it home just in time to watch the Golden Globes. It was perfect: belly full of pasta while watching a room full of people who haven’t eaten carbs in years.
similar Chambray (on sale) // similar Sweater (on sale) // Bag* // similar Watch // similar Hat
*Bag purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.