Kind of Interesting

brown faux leather jacket, button up, neon beanie, leopard oxfords, casual work outfit

brown faux leather jacket, button up, neon beanie, leopard oxfords, casual work outfit

brown faux leather jacket, button up, neon beanie, leopard oxfords, casual work outfit

brown faux leather jacket, button up, neon beanie, leopard oxfords, casual work outfit

brown faux leather jacket, button up, neon beanie, leopard oxfords, casual work outfit

brown faux leather jacket, button up, neon beanie, leopard oxfords, casual work outfit

brown faux leather jacket, button up, neon beanie, leopard oxfords, casual work outfit

It’s been an interesting couple of days for me. On Saturday we threw our annual Christmas party, but it was the first one in our new house so it was bigger and better than years past. That was the fun kind of interesting, but I’ll tell you more about the party later this week!

Then on Sunday morning, I was getting ready to get one last workout in before Christmas and finish my shopping, and my car decided it didn’t want to start. Apparently it’s taking some time off for the holidays but didn’t ask its boss (aka me) for approval first. That was the expensive and inconvenient kind of interesting.

Then Monday I had to report for jury duty. I waited with the rest of the pool for 3 hours, but the trial was cancelled, so I didn’t even get to be formally rejected for being a lawyer. That was the waste-of-time kind of interesting.

All the while, I’ve been fighting a cold and trying not to pass it on to everyone else I have to come in contact with. That’s the snotty kind of interesting.

Any other week, I’d probably just stay home and try to pick up the pieces of my life, but I’m trying to squeeze in enough hours at work so I don’t feel guilty about spending a long weekend hanging out with the in-laws and doing festive things. If you have to work this week too, I hope you at least get a bit of a “relaxed” dress code! I’m a fan of this outfit because it mixes some classic work wear staples (white button-up shirt and oxfords) with more casual pieces in an unexpected way. Scroll down to see how I’ve worn all of these things before (under more normal circumstances).

Shirt // Shoes (on sale) // similar Jacket // similar Jeans (on sale) // similar Hat // similar Bag // Sunglasses

The Remixy Kind of Interesting…


3 thoughts on “Kind of Interesting”

  1. Love this look! That jacket is ah-mazing – I’ve been looking for one in that exact color! Glad you had an “interesting” week – even if some of it was weird. Always nice to switch it up a bit 🙂


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