Bronze Beauty

Ann Taylor saddle bag, peep toe booties, outfit

Ann Taylor saddle bag, peep toe booties, outfit

Ann Taylor saddle bag, peep toe booties, outfit

Ann Taylor saddle bag, peep toe booties, outfit

Ann Taylor saddle bag, peep toe booties, outfit

Ann Taylor saddle bag, peep toe booties, outfit

No need to adjust your monitors, folks. Your eyes do not deceive you. Here she is in all her glory: Sarah with a tan. If you don’t see it, you just have to redefine “tan.” If you think of tan as bronzed and glowing, then this skin will be a letdown. But if you think of tan as “darker than albino, with some patches of pink around the knees and ankles” then by golly I’m a Brazilian supermodel.

I was all ready for fall when I got home from the beach so I was a little disappointed to find it was even hotter in Indiana than it was in North Carolina. But on the bright side, the 91-degree day on Sunday gave me an excuse to wear shorts and show off my temporarily sorta kinda tannish legs. Woo hoo!

Speaking of the beach, if you stayed off the Internet on Labor Day (kudos to you), be sure to check out Monday’s post for cool photos of our trip to Cape Lookout! Spoiler alert: DOLPHINS.

Bag // similar Shorts (on sale and I kinda want them!) // similar Shoes (this year’s version) // almost identical Bracelet (on sale) // Sunglasses (on sale in other colors)

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