Exam Wear

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If you’re reading this between 9 am and noon eastern time, I’m taking an exam, so send your smartest vibes my way. This is actually an outfit I wore to take an exam last week, hence the messy hair and lack of makeup. I’m actually kind of impressed with this outfit considering my main goal was warmth and comfort. Just goes to show what a difference a fabulous bag, coat, and sunglasses can make. Take note, ladies: outerwear and accessories are your friend.

similar Leggings (they’re fleece lined!!) // similar Coat (on sale) // similar Bag (rich people version) // Sunglasses (on sale) // similar Shoes // similar Scarf

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10 thoughts on “Exam Wear”

    1. They are SO warm and amazing! I need a new pair though. These I got for $8 last year and they are indeed worth exactly $8. You can’t tell from the photos, but they’re starting to look worn in some parts. I’ll probably get a better quality pair like the ones I linked to soon!

  1. Good luck – sending so many good vibes my head hurts. Your exam outfit puts my exam outfits from grad school (never pajamas, but yoga pants and a hoodie) to shame. Hopefully we can still be friends.

  2. Leggings lined with fleece? What! *stalks link*

    I love how you mixed prints. The coat and the scarf are so cool and sort of geometric that it works. Also, that bag is just gorgeous.

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